Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Print or Online - What's Your Choice?

According to a survey completed by the Readership Institute at NorthWestern University, newspaper Web sites continue to have limited penetration in most communities. Some might be surprised at this claim; I, however, am not. Personally, I would much rather pick up the Des Moines Register and read it cover to cover versus having to try to navigate my way through their Web site. I have to admit it's probably because I'm not as comfortable with the Web site as I am the good old fashion printed version; I'm simply unfamiliar with the Web site and familiarizing myself with it would take more time and energy than I am willing to give that task at this point in my life.

There are some mind-numbing facts in the survey yet one of the more interesting facts is: 62 percent of respondents have never visited their local daily newspaper’s Web site. The percentage is higher than I expected but again, I'm not surprised.

I am married to one of those individuals that prefers to read news online. I chalk that up to the fact that he has relocated so many times; he finds this as the best way to keep up on local news in the most recent cities he has lived in.

So, whatever medium you receive it in, print or online, I continue to urge everyone to read the news. Read it daily and stay in touch with what's going on around you.

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