Sunday, July 13, 2008

First Amendment? - Yeah Right

The First Amendment - freedom of speech right? Well, evidentially unless you're a college newspaper publishing derogative information about the college itself. The editors of The Inkwell are suing Armstrong Atlantic State University, saying administrators cut the paper’s budget to punish it for stories and editorials criticizing the university.

The newpaper took a more aggresive approach to reporting on college activities and events in the past year which angered the administrators. The editors are alleging the administrators cut the newspaper's budge for next year by $4260 forcing the editors to lower staff wages and leaving them unable to pay freelancers. The editors claim the budget cuts violated their freedom of speech.

Okay - I agree, initially with what the editors are saying. However, as we discussed in class, one essential element of writing is to stop and think about what you're writing and the potential consequences of your works. Don Imus for example, said what he wanted to say and yes, legally he can do that thanks to the First Amendment, however, he also lost his job over the statement.

So go ahead, say (or print) what you want, but as the old saying goes, better to "Not bite the hand that feeds you."

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