Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Don't be a "looser" - copy edit

Oh, the English language. You have to admit it's complicated. I whole-heartedly feel sorry for people learning English as a second language.

I found an article on CJR titled, When Loosing is Winning. I admit it, I read the article because the title made no sense to me. The article discusses how the word "loose" is becoming used more and more in place of "lose" (refer back to the title of the article), and other problem words like "it's" being used when "its" is meant. Isn't it funny how little things like this make my spine crawl? It's very similar to fingernails being scratched down a chalkboard. Where are all the copy editors when we need them?

We've learned in class that the AP Stylebook was created to ensure consistancy among the journalism and communication professions. Obviously, the severity of accuracy is not emphasized enough. I encourage everyone to use it, learn it and know it. I have two books, one on my desk and one at home.

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